
Defining Alternate Hosts (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Defining Alternate Hosts (Magic xpi 4.14)

The start.xml file gives you the option to define an alternate host for the server to work with if the main host is unavailable or if the startup procedure on the main host fails. You do this using the alternateHosts attribute, as shown here.

To use the alternate hosts functionality, you must configure the clustered environment properly. For more information on how to do this, click here.

The alternateHosts attribute is blank by default. Here you enter the required alternate host(s), which can be in the form of a host name, an IP address, or a combination of the two (separated by a comma).

If you do not define an alternate server host in the start.xml file:

  • The server’s status will remain permanently as START_REQUESTED if the IMM-Agent is not available.

  • The server’s status will move to START_FAILED if the IMM-Agent is available but startup failed.

If you define an alternate server host in the start.xml file:

  • Magic xpi will attempt to run the server on your alternate host if the startup procedure on the main host fails.

  • Magic xpi will wait for a period of 60 seconds for an unavailable main host to become available. If, after this time has elapsed, the main host is still unavailable, Magic xpi will move to the next host and try to run the server there.

The move to the next host is cyclical. Once the last alternate host has been reached, and it is either unavailable or the startup procedure has failed, Magic xpi will then return to the main host for another attempt.

Magic xpi automatically returns the server to the main host. The return procedure is available only for servers running on an alternate host whose status is RUNNING.

If the main host’s IMM-Agent is available:

  1. A new ServerData object will be created pointing to the main host. Triggers and workers will be defined to start in idle mode.

  2. The new ServerData object will have a new ID.

  3. The new ServerData object will hold the list of all previous server IDs.

  4. After the server has successfully started on the main host (that is, its status is RUNNING) the alternate host will be given a command to gracefully shut down and the new server will take over.

  5. The alternate ServerData object will be deleted from the IMM after the alternate server has been shut down.

(Since version: 4.1)
