Default Data Types – XML (Magic xpa 3.x)
The Default Data Types table contains the XML default mapping, including all of the XSD types and their translation to Magic xpa attributes and pictures.
During a Get Definition, if an element’s/attribute’s type is defined using a SimpleType or as a reference to a Global element, it will be converted to the appropriate Primitive XSD data type from which it is derived. Primitive XSD data types will be mapped to corresponding Magic xpa attributes.
A default picture will be assigned (as specified in the table). When the type is based on a SimpleType, which defines length, the picture will be updated with the length specified for the SimpleType.
You can edit the attribute and picture assigned to each data type. Each attribute/picture that differs from Magic xpa default attribute/picture is marked in green. These values will be saved in the [XML_DEFAULT_DATATYPES] section of the Magic.ini file.
See also How Do I Determine the Magic xpa Data Types Corresponding to XML Data Types?