Debugging a Project (Magic xpi 3.x)
When you start the Debugger you use the menu options to begin the debugging process. You can debug a project in the following ways:
Debug the entire project.
Debug a single flow. You do this by right-clicking on the relevant flow, and selecting Debug from the context menu. In this mode, the Debugger will execute the selected flow and all of the other flows in the project will be inactive for this project, including all of the flows called by it. This mode will not affect flows in Suspend mode. It is the user’s responsibility to handle these flows. The Debug flow option will be enabled only for Servers that are not running. In addition, Attach mode will not be operational in this mode.
Debug a project or part of a project (one step at a time).
To start debugging:
From the Debugger menu, select Open, or click
from the toolbar.
Magic xpi opens the Debug mode. A new set of options is available in the Debugger menu and a new set of icons is displayed on the right side of the toolbar.
Begin the debugging process. In the Debugger environment, you can:
Select Run from the Debugger menu,or right-click in the Context Tree and select Run from the shortcut menu to debug the flow selected in the Navigation pane. The Debugger will run in Auto mode.
Select Step from the Debugger menu, or right-click in the Context Tree and select Step from the shortcut menu to debug the specific step. The Debugger will debug the step selected in the Context Tree or in the Flow view. You can also right-click on a step in the Flow view and select Step from the shortcut menu.
To debug an entire project, select Run from the Debugger menu when the cursor is on the Business Process.
To stop the Debugger:
Click Stop from the Debugger menu to stop the Debugger without saving the current Debugger environment.
from the toolbar or select Close or Detach from Server from the Debugger menu to exit the debug environment and save the current Debugger environment automatically. You will not be asked whether to save the environment if you use this option.
The Debugger always builds the project before the debugging process commences, even if you have already executed the Re-Build All procedure. Because of the long duration of this process, if you only want to debug a specific flow it is highly recommended that you use that flow's Debug option. This is accessed from the flow's context menu in the Navigation pane. Alternatively, you can set as inactive any flows that you do not want to debug.
After a Debug session and before trying to run the project in Server mode, make sure to execute the Build or Re-Build All procedure again.
The executable file created curing the Debug process cannot be used for deployment.
A temporary ini file called DebugSRV.ini is created under the project directory when you start the Debugger. It is deleted when the Debugger is stopped.
If the Debugger does not run and you receive an error that the process was cancelled, it may be because your computer is running slowly and the Debugger was unable to reach the Server. There is a setting in the ife.ini file called DebuggerEventMaxRetry, which is by default set to 10 attempts of about 2 seconds each. Therefore, if the Debugger does not find the Server after about 20 seconds, it will stop trying to look for it. In this case, you should increase the value in the setting, such as 30.
Debugger Settings
Attach to Server
Debugger Flow View
Setting a Breakpoint
Suspending a Flow, Branch, or Step
Breakpoints and Suspended List
Exiting the Debugger
Context View
Activity Log