Debugger Settings (Magic xpi 4.13)
A user can determine the Debugger's refresh rate, time-out, and recovery policies in the Debugger Settings dialog box. To open the Debugger Settings dialog box, click the Debug xpi menu, followed by Project Settings.
This dialog box contains the following information:
Magic xpi GigaSpaces Discovery Definitions
Space Name
This read-only value is taken from the SpaceName flag in the Magic.ini file's [MAGICXPI_GS] section.
Lookup Name
This read-only value is taken from the LookupGroupName flag in the Magic.ini file's [MAGICXPI_GS] section.
Lookup Locators
This read-only value is taken from the LookupLocators flag in the Magic.ini file's [MAGICXPI_GS] section.
End context after last step
Select this check box to see the context view of a branch (FSID or parallel branch) that has just completed the last step in the debugging process.

This is available only when the user uses the Step mode. The default is unchecked.
Clean recovery
Select this check box to clean up the recovery information. The default is unchecked.
Gracefully stop/restart the server after
Determines the number of seconds the Debugger will wait before stopping or restarting the Server. The default is 5 seconds.
Refresh Scheduler view every
Determines the refresh rate for the Scheduler. The default is 5 seconds.
Context View Action Timeout
Determines the timeout parameters for the Context View. The default timeout is 30 seconds.
Debugger Timeout Configuration