
Date and Time Functions (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Date and Time Functions (Magic xpa 4.x)

AddDate – Performs calculation on date.

AddDateTime – Calculates the difference between two Datetime values Adds a time interval to a Datetime value, which is represented by Magic xpa Date and Time fields. The specified amount of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds are added to the current value of Date & Time, and stored back into those two variables.

AddTime – Performs calculations on a time variable.

BOM – Returns start date of month specified.

BOY – Returns the date of the beginning of the year specified in the parameter.

CDOW – Name of the day (e.g. Sunday) from date.

CMonth – Name of the month (e.g. January) from date.

Date – System date.

Day – Day of month (1-31) from date.

DifDateTime – Calculates the difference between two Datetime values.

DOW – Number of the day of the week (1-7) from date.

DStr – Date-to-string conversion.

DVal – String-to-date conversion.

EOM – Returns date of end of month specified.

EOY – Returns date of end of year specified.

Hour – Returns the hour portion of the time value.

MDate – Returns the Magic xpa date as defined in the Magic Date environment setting.

Minute – Returns the minute portion of the time value.

Month – Returns the month portion of a date.

mTime – Retrieves the time value in milliseconds from midnight to the current time.

mTStr – Converts a time value in milliseconds to a specified Alpha string picture format.

NDOW – Converts the number of the day to the name of the day.

NMonth – Converts the number of the month to the name of the month.

Second – Returns the second portion of the time value.

Time – Returns the system time.

TStr – Converts the time value to an Alpha string.

TVal – Converts a time value stored as an Alpha character string to a numeric value, according to a picture.

UTCDate – Returns the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date.

UTCmTime – Retrieves the current time value in milliseconds from midnight to the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time.

UTCTime – Returns the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time.

Year – Returns the year of a date.
