Database Transactions and Error Handling (Magic xpi 4.7)
If you define a flow with the DB Transaction flow property set to Yes, and a database that the transaction will be applied on, all Data Mapper steps that connect to this database will take part in the transaction. You must choose all the databases that are using this flow. There is no option to have a transaction only on some of the databases in the same context. If you want to run one of the Data Mapper steps out of the transaction, you must run it in a parallel step.
If the error behavior of the Data Mapper steps is set to Continue, only one record will be rolled back; the step and the rest of the flow will continue. However, if a crash occurs during the flow execution, all database operations included in the transaction will be rolled back.
If the error behavior of a Data Mapper step is set to Exit, and there is an error in the step, then all database operations included in the transaction will be rolled back and also the flow will terminate. Moreover, if this Data Mapper step is located in a flow called by a parent flow, the calling flow will also terminate.
If you select Dynamic, the step execution ends immediately if the error flow ends in an error. If the error flow clears the error, the flow will continue.