The Database Information parameter (in the DBMS properties, Database properties, Data Source properties, Column properties, and Index properties) lets you supply database-dependent information that Magic xpa can pass to the underlying DBMS. The use of this parameter is optional.
Multiple keywords should be delimited by one or more spaces.
Some of the keywords may not require values to be specified. All of the keywords and their values must be specified in uppercase.





Changes the default attribute to Alpha attribute. The date format will be YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MM:SS.
Checks the data table for the existence of a unique index value as the end user attempts to input a data into a record. If a duplicate value is input by the end user into the variables constructing an index defined as Unique in Magic xpa’s Data repository, Magic xpa will issue a Duplicate Index error message and prevent further end-user processing until the input is changed. For some DBMSs, this check takes a toll in performance and it is not recommended. In such a case, the developer may decide not to use this keyword, and then the results of duplicate index value entry will depend on the DBMS behavior.
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The name of the cluster that the table is a part of.
BLOB columns in Oracle tables are mapped by Magic xpa to the LONGRAW type. The LONGRAW type has some restrictions that are not encountered when the columns are mapped to the BLOB type.
Instead of explicitly setting the Type property of every BLOB column to BLOB, you can instruct the Oracle gateway to automatically map every BLOB column to the BLOB type by setting the following keyword: Default_Blob_to_Blob=Y.
This keyword enables you to determine SQL type for DSQL string binding.
Since Magic xpa version 3.3a, the expressions used to bind Direct SQL parameters for Oracle are bound as NVARCHAR instead of VARCHAR2.
This flag allows you to use VARCHAR as the type for binding to bring back the behavior before Magic xpa version 3.3a. Upon setting it to ‘Y’, binding of string values using expressions is done as VARCHAR2 instead of NVARCHAR. This is relevant for Direct SQL commands using ‘~’ for Oracle binding. Since version: 4.6.3
Initial number of transaction entries allocated within each data block allocated to the table.
For Oracle 12 and above, during a Link Query operation, this keyword limits the link to fetching a single record, even if the cursor returns more than one record. This improves the operation's performance. To maintain the previous behavior of not limiting the fetch to one record, set this keyword to N. Since version: 3.2
Maximum number of concurrent transactions that can update a data block allocated to the table.
Lets the application match character strings that follow alphabetic conventions. Normally, character strings in a WHERE clause are compared by using the character’s binary values.
Using the NLSSORT Support feature in the WHERE clause allows users to work on a foreign-language Oracle client while sorting data alphabetically in their own language.
The NLSSORT= Y flag adds the NLSSORT function to all of the WHERE clauses that Magic xpa sends to the database, as follows:
NLSSORT (value) comparison_ operator NLSSORT(column)
For example: NLSSORT(’A’)=NLSSORT(FLD1)
Note: Use of this flag may cause performance problems. Use of this flag also causes the Magic xpa Database Gateway for Oracle to be case insensitive.
When setting the above flag on a Direct SQL that calls a stored procedure (SP) outside of an Oracle Call Interface (OCI) transaction, the call is done without the autocommit flag.
This means that if the stored procedure opens a transaction and does not commit it, you will end up with a crash.
The rule is that your stored procedures called outside of a transaction must either open a transaction and commit it, or not have any Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements. This rule is valid for both stored procedures that return and do not return result sets.
Disallows sending 0 dates to Oracle.
If this flag is set to N, Magic xpa will show an error message upon sending zero dates to Oracle (on Magic xpa’s DATE fields mapped to Oracle DATE). This applies to create/modify of a Magic xpa Date with zero, via regular Magic xpa tasks (not Direct SQL).
Percentage of space in each of the table’s data blocks reserved for future updates to the table’s rows.
Minimum percentage of used space that Oracle maintains for each data block of the table.
Automatically converts the RDBMS date field to a Magic xpa Alpha Zstring field with a length of 19 characters and with the format YYYY- MM- DD HH: MM: SS.
Note: Neither Magic xpa nor the RDBMS can perform data validation on an Alpha Date field due to the use of the internal date format in the RDBMS. If you use the SQL_ DATETOALPHA parameter you should implement your own validity checks for Insert and Update operations. Otherwise, invalid dates can be inserted in the database.
Used for Magic xpa with an Oracle database that has a charset of UTF8. This means that all char and varchar2 columns can hold Unicode data (no need to use nchar and nvarchar2 datatypes). Magic xpa needs to know this in order to disable the casting between Unicode and Alpha.
When set to Y, Magic xpa does not translate the Unicode value into an Ansi value and back.
STORAGE ="storage-clause"
Storage characteristics for the table.
Tablespace in which Oracle creates the table.