generation: Numeric. A number that represents the task's hierarchic position in the runtime task tree. 0 represents the current task, 1 its immediate ancestor, and so on.
task var names: Alpha. A comma-delimited list of all the names of variables that will be exported.
print var names: Alpha. A comma-delimited list of all the field names of the variables that will be exported. If the list is evaluated to ‘@’, then the engine will export the headers as defined in the task. If the name has a comma, it will be prefixed by the backslash (\) character.
XML file name: Alpha. The name of the file that will be created.
schema file name: Alpha. The name of the schema file that will be created. This is optional. If this is blank, no schema file will be created.
template file name: Alpha. The name of the template file that will be used when creating the XML file. This is optional.
charset: Numeric. Defines the character set for the resulting data. The following values are valid:
0 – ANSI
1 – Unicode
2 – UTF-8