Data Source Modes (Magic xpa 2.x)
The sharing of data among many workstations or instances requires synchronization, so that access to a table by more than one process is restricted or controlled.
A process can perform the following operations on a table:
Read (denoted as R) – The process does not intend to update the table.
Write (denoted as W) – The process might update the table. Write also implies Read. In the technical literature, R is called Read Only and W is called Read/Write.
This is controlled in Magic xpa using the Access mode and Share mode. You define these modes in the Main Source Properties sheet, Link Properties sheet or Data Source repository:
Access – The value can be either W for read/write (the default) or R for read only
Share – The value can be W for read/write (the default), R for read, or N for none. None means the table is not shared in any mode.
Multi-User Considerations When Defining Data Source Modes
Data Source Sharing Interaction