DBMS Tab - Logging (Magic xpa 4.x)
This tab displays the DBMS options for filtering the log.
Changes made to these settings are effective immediately.
In the Log Level column you define the level of the log to be generated by the Magic xpa database gateway for your RDBMS. The options are:
None – No log file will be generated
Developer – A full log to be generated for use by the MSE Technical Support department
Support – Additional information for the developer
Customer – Log only the SQL commands generated
The log levels are specified in the fifth field of an entry in the [MAGIC_DBMS] section, where N = None, C = Customer, D = Developer and S = Support.
For example, the N in this entry stands for None:
Btrieve = 1, NotAllowNull, 10.3, Btrieve Parameters, N, , NotLogSync, 0, + 0, NotCheckExist,
Logging for the Local gateway is based on the InternalLogLevel setting and not on this column.

The Log Level setting affects performance. Therefore, it is recommended to use the Log Level setting only during debugging. It is advisable to verify that this setting is disabled (=None) in your customer's environment.
Logging for Web Service databases is based on the logging definition of the original database. (Since version: 3.2a)
Settings Tab – Logging
How Do I Log the Database Activity?
How Do I View SQL Statements Sent by Magic xpa to the Database?