Local Agent
To make the resource work as a part of Local Agent, make this value True.
The default value is False.
LA Name
The name of Local Agent, the step based on this resource, is going to invoke.
This parameter will be available only when the value of Local Agent is set to True.
Server URL
Enter the D365 Finance Operations server URL or click (ellipsis button) to open the Environment Variable List. Here, the user can select an environment variable to use as a server URL.
Resource Hint
To use the Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CE) service, enter the CE version in the syntax as CE_<API Version>.
For example, for CE version 8.2 keep the value as CE_8.2
By default, the value is blank, which indicates Dynamics 365 Finance Operations option is selected.
Security type is used based on what type of security server has implemented.
The supported security type is OAuth2.
Access Token URL
The Access Token endpoint is used by the application in order to get an Access Token or a Refresh Token.
Enter the Access Token URL or click (ellipsis button) to open the Environment Variable List. Here, the user can select an environment variable to use as an Access Token URL.
Client ID
The ID of the application that asks for authorization. Client ID and Client secret are generated at the time of client registration process at the Authorization server.
Enter the Client ID or click (ellipsis button) to open the Environment Variable List. Here, the user can select an environment variable to use as a Client ID.
Client Secret
The secret string provided for the Client Id during the Authorization process.
Enter the Client Secret or click (ellipsis button) to open the Environment Variable List. Here, the user can select an environment variable to use as a Client Secret.
For this field, use the Secret Value and not the Secret ID generated on the Azure portal.
On the Azure portal under Certificates & secrets, the Client Secret value can be generated. Copy this value as you won't be able to retrieve the value later.
Cross Company
By default, the D365 Finance Operations API returns only the data that belongs to the user's default company. To fetch the data for all the companies that the user has access, set the value to True.
The default value is False.
HTTP Timeout
Enter the value for HTTP Request Timeout. The value provided in this resource will take precedence over the value of HTTPTimeout in the [MAGIC_ENV] section of the Magic.ini file.
If the value provided is empty or less than or equal to 0 or less, then the request will wait till the server responds.
The value is in milliseconds.
Use Proxy
Select the as Yes from the drop-down menu to use the D365 Finance Operations connector with the proxy server.
Proxy Address
Enter the address for the proxy server. Alternatively, click (ellipsis button) to open the Environment Variable List. Here, you can select an environment variable for the proxy address.
Enter the username to authenticate with the proxy server. Alternatively, click (ellipsis button) to open the Environment Variable List. Here, you can select an environment variable for the username.
Enter the password to authenticate with the proxy server. Alternatively, click (ellipsis button) to open the Environment Variable List. Here, you can select an environment variable for the password.