
Creating a Web Service Provider (Magic xpi 4.9)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Creating a Web Service Provider (Magic xpi 4.9)

To create a Web Service provider, follow these steps:

  1. Define a Web service in the Settings dialog box's Service section. For more information, click here.

  2. Place the Web Services utility into the trigger area to access the Properties pane.

  3. In the Setting section, select the required Service Name from the drop-down list. The Web service details that you defined in the Settings dialog box's Service section are then displayed in the Properties pane.

  4. Double-click or right-click on the Web Services utility and select Configuration from the context menu to open the Web Services Trigger Configuration dialog box. This dialog box displays the operations that you defined in the Web Services Operations dialog box. The Web Services Trigger Configuration dialog box has the following fields:




Service Name

This read-only field displays the utility name that you defined in the Settings dialog box's Service section's Web Services Operations dialog box.

Operation Name

This drop-down list contains the operations that you defined for the utility whose name is displayed above. Select the required operation from the drop-down list.

Parameter Details


This read-only field displays the operation's argument names that you defined in the Settings dialog box's Service section's Web Services Operations dialog box.


This read-only field displays the argument type that you defined in the Settings dialog box's Service section's Web Services Operations dialog box.


This read-only field displays the picture that you defined in the Settings dialog box's Service section's Web Services Operations dialog box. The picture defines the returned parameter's format.

For example, a 15-character alpha-numeric parameter has a picture definition of 15.


This read-only field displays the argument's direction that you defined in the Settings dialog box's Service section's Web Services Operations dialog box.

XML Schema

This read-only field displays the XML schema that you defined in the Settings dialog box's Service section's Web Services Operations dialog box. The schema location is identified by a file name or a URL.

Mapping Variable

Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable to hold the mapped argument.

Additional Parameters

Arguments XML Location

Selecting a variable for the Arguments XML Location will update this variable with the request XML.

Click to the right of the field to open the Variables List. From the list, select a variable as a location for the XML arguments.

Return Fault Description

During the flow execution, if you decide that a fault should be returned to the calling client, you should update this fault variable with a text representing an error message. At the end of the flow, if Magic xpi detects that the fault variable contains a value, it returns a fault SOAP response with the user error message.

Click to the right of the field to open the Variables List. From the list, select a variable as a location for the fault content.

  1. When you have finished defining your Web service access details, click OK to save the settings and to exit the dialog box. Alternatively, you can click Cancel to exit the dialog box without saving your settings.
