Copy Paste Logic and Data View Lines across Tasks
It is possible to copy and paste Logic and Data View lines across multiple tasks within the same program or outside it. This is an enhancement to the current behavior of copying and pasting lines within the same task.
There are a number of informative points regarding copying and pasting of Logic and Data View lines:
Copying and Pasting Logic Lines
The object references are removed if operations are copied from Parent task to a Subtask and if the Variable/Form/IO/User Event are declared in Parent task.
The object references from Main program are not cleared when copying them from one program to another.
Notes while pasting on the root task of Main program:
o Pasting Record/Control/Group handler header lines is not allowed in the root task of Main program.
o Pasting Route handler header is not allowed in the root task of Main program.
o Pasting Form operation (input and output) is not allowed on the root task of Main program.
The above three points (a, b, c) are allowed in case of Subtasks of Main program.
Pasting is not allowed after moving the source task or any of its parent tasks elsewhere.
Copying and pasting Logic lines between two projects is not allowed.
Copying and Pasting Data View Lines
The Main source header line cannot be copied.
While pasting a Declare Data Source Header, the data source is cleared only if the task already contains a declare header to this data source. If there is no Declare to this data source, the reference keeps its value.
Pasting is not allowed after moving the source task or any of its parent tasks elsewhere.
Copying and pasting Data View lines between two projects is not allowed.
Cut and Paste
The Cut Paste behavior is identical to Copy Paste. The original line(s) are not removed.

All the rules of creating lines in a task are applicable to pasting them. Means, lines which cannot be created in a task cannot be pasted.
Since version: 4.6