Convert (Magic xpi 4.1)
Returns a User String with converted data.
Convert (Alpha convtblname, Alpha source, Alpha default, Numeric casesensitive)
convtblname: The name of the conversion table (case sensitive).
source: The source string.
default: The default string returned when the source string is not found, or when no conversion table of the name supplied is found.
casesensitive: Case Sensitive: 0 = false (is not case sensitive) 1 = true (is case sensitive).
Alpha string.
Convert ('temp', 'degrees F', 'degree',0) The temp conversion table contains the following pair: degrees F, degrees C.
Returns the string degrees C.
If the value degrees F is not found in the conversion table 'temp', or if there is no conversion table called 'temp', it will return the default value degree.