
Conversion Utility Syntax (Magic xpa 3.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Conversion Utility Syntax (Magic xpa 3.x)

The V9 Conversion utility enables you to convert a V9 application into a uniPaaS project by creating one of the two outputs:

  • An entire project with all the necessary source files. This can be done using the -PROJECT parameter. Use this option to migrate an entire project.

  • A uniPaaS compatible export file. This can be done using the -V10EXPORT parameter. Use this option to migrate specific objects from your V9 application, so they can be imported into your uniPaaS existing project.


This utility converts an export file of an eDeveloper V9.4 application into an eDeveloper V10 project. The eDeveloper V10 project can also be opened when using uniPaaS.

The Conversion utility accepts the following parameters for use during the conversion process:




This parameter defines eDeveloper V9's export file name and path.

This parameter is mandatory.

Example: V9converter -EXPORT=C:\eDeveloper94\ChA


This parameter defines the uniPaaS project directory that will be created.

By using this parameter, the V9 Converter utility will create all of the project files (edp and xml). The .edp file will be saved in the specified project directory and the XML source files in the Source subdirectory.

If the project file already exists in that folder, a message will appear asking you to specify a different location for the project.

Note: The project name and project file name (edp) will be the same as the project subdirectory name.

This is a mandatory parameter (unless you use the -V10EXPORT parameter).

You should use either this parameter or the –V10EXPORT parameter, but not both.

Example: V9converter -EXPORT=C:\eDeveloper94\ChA -PROJECT= C:\eDeveloper10\Projects\Chocolate\


To migrate only part of an application, use the -V10EXPORT parameter and not the -PROJECT parameter.


This parameter defines the uniPaaS export file name that will be created.

By using this parameter, one xml export file will be created according to the uniPaaS structure.

This is a mandatory parameter (unless you use the -PROJECT parameter).

You should use either this parameter or the -PROJECT parameter, but not both.

Example: V9converter -EXPORT=C:\eDeveloper94\ChA -V10EXPORT=


This parameter is a three character string that represents the language of the export file.

If the language of the export file is not in English, the utility should be set with the language of the export file. This information is required to properly handle language-based information in the export process, such as strings used in the ACT and in the MODE literals.

The expected value is not case-sensitive. If the string is longer than three characters, only the first three characters are checked.

This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not defined, the default value is ENG.

Listed below are character strings representing the different languages supported by uniPaaS. These are the same character strings as used for language-related files:

CHN – Chinese

DAN – Danish

ENG – English (default value)

FRE – French

GER – German

HAN – Korean

HEB – Hebrew

HUN – Hungarian

NLD – Dutch

POL – Polish

POR – Portuguese

RUS – Russian

SPN – Spanish

SWD – Swedish

TWN – Taiwanese

Example: V9converter -EXPORT=C:\eDeveloper94\ChA -PROJECT=
C:\eDeveloper10\Projects\Chocolate\ -LANG=SPN

In the above example, the source application was written in Spanish.


This parameter is a five character string that represents the localization settings of the exported file.

The value of this parameter is: [Date mode][Thousands][Decimal][Date][Time]

Date mode – The first character specifies the Date mode:

E – European (default value)

A – American

S – Scandinavian

B – Buddhist

If a different character is defined, then the Date mode will be regarded as European.

Thousands separator – The second character represents the Thousands separator. ("," is the default value).

Decimal separator – The third character represents the Decimal separator. ("." is the default value).

Date separator – The fourth character represents the Date separator. ("/" is the default value).

Time separator – The fifth character represents the Time separator. (":" is the default value).

If the string is longer than five characters, only the first five characters are checked. This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not defined, the default values are E,./:

Example: V9converter -EXPORT=C:\eDeveloper94\ChA -PROJECT=
C:\eDeveloper10\Projects\Chocolate\ -LOCALS=A,.-:


This parameter sets the conversion log file name and path.

This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not set, the following default file name is used: [V9 export file name]_cnv.log. The log file is created in the current directory of the utility.


For the proper conversion of ISAM table entries with no explicit table name defined, the conversion utility requires the prefix string of the eDeveloper V9 application.

This parameter declares the two character prefix of the V9 application.

If the string is longer than two characters, only the first two characters are used.

This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not set, the default value is XX.


This parameter affects the size of the Tool window. You should set it to N if the SpecialModalToolWindow=N was used in the Magic.ini file of the V9 application.

This parameter is optional. The default value is Y.


This parameter defines whether empty Task and Record handlers should be removed. This parameter is optional. The default value is Y.


This parameter determines the location of the variable added during the conversion of a Link Validate (Link with Validation=Yes) to Link Query.

  • It is recommended to use this option if you have tasks that receive parameters, and the variables that should receive them are defined after the Link Validate.

  • If this parameter is specified, then when adding a variable after converting a Link Validate to Link Query, this variable will be added last in the task.

  • If this parameter is not specified, then when adding a variable after converting a Link Validate to Link Query, this variable will be added before the link.

  • If there is no need to add a variable (since it already exists), then this parameter will have no effect. The existing variable will not be moved.

Since version: 1.5


  • If there are blank spaces in the file names and paths, set the names using quotation marks.

  • The Conversion utility displays the console help text when the export file is executed with no parameters or when you enter /?
