Control Level (Magic xpa 4.x)
As the end user parks on a record in an Online task and moves around the controls, you can handle each movement cycle of any control the end user might park on. The control cycle is defined by three types of Control level logic units: Control Prefix, Control Suffix, and Control Verification.
The Control Prefix is executed upon entering a control regardless of the tabbing direction. Any operation in this logic unit is executed just before the task is fully parked on the control.
The Control Suffix is executed upon exiting a control regardless of the tabbing direction. Any operation in this logic unit is executed just after the task exits the control and before it parks on the next control.

Just before the Control Suffix is executed, the runtime engine updates the control variable with the newly entered data and performs the re-computation of values deriving from this variable.
The Control Verification logic unit is executed in the following circumstances in Online and Client/Server RIA tasks:
When the user skips from the verified control or preceding control to another record.
When a user exits the control, the Control Verification logic unit is executed just before the Control Suffix logic unit.
When the user skips over the verified control, a control set with a Control Verification logic unit, by switching from a control that precedes it to a control that follows it in the same record, and vice versa.
When the user skips to a control that follows the verified control in another record, the control verification logic unit of the verified control in the new record is executed.
When exiting a control, the control verification logic unit is executed just before the Control Suffix, after the newly entered data is updated in the associated variable and once dependent expressions have been re-computed.
The Control Verification logic unit is executed in the following circumstances in Web Client tasks:

A Verify operation with an error or revert mode that is executed in a Control Verification logic unit stops the expected sequence of operations and parks on the verified control.
The main difference between the Control Suffix and the Control Verification logic units is that the Control Suffix is only executed when the user is parked on the handled control and exits that control. However, the Control Verification is executed whenever the user either exits the handled control or passes over it while navigating through other controls and records.
Use the Control Suffix logic unit for operations that should only be run when the user is parked on the handled control and exits that control.
Use the Control Verification logic unit to perform operations whenever the task is requested to pass over the control.
The Control level handlers must always be control-specific. This means that you must set a control name for a Control level logic unit.