
Connector Builder (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Connector Builder (Magic xpi 4.14)

For an in-depth explanation of how to use the Connector Builder, see the Magic xpi Connector Builder.pdf in the Magic xpi installation.

The Connector Builder dialog box allows you to easily define a Magic xpi connector and manage its associated resource types.

This dialog box has two panes. The left pane shows the list of connectors created through the Connector Builder.

The right pane contains the following fields:



General Details


A mandatory unique name in the project for the component. The name entered is displayed in the Toolbox pane for this project. Names with special characters, such as a period (.), question mark (?), or slash (/) cannot be loaded.


The component description text


The component Id

Connector version

The version number for the connector. The default value is 1.0 where 1 is the major version and 0 is the minor version of the connector.

Click the button to manually increment the major version of the connector. The minor version of the connector will be auto-incremented, each time you save the connector.

(Since version: 4.12)


Browse to select an icon for the component or enter its name with the correct extension (for example, icon.bmp).

Toolbox group

Select the category you want the new component to be saved under in the Toolbox pane:

  • Utilities

  • Converters

  • File Management

  • Connectors (default)

  • Communication

  • Mail

  • Messaging

  • Triggers

  • User Components

If the connector is also defined as a trigger, it will be added to the Toolbox pane's Triggers group as well.

Encryption key

Define your own encryption key of between 8 to 56 characters. This key will be used to encrypt and decrypt the resource and service passwords and the license serial number.

License feature

Define a license feature of up to 10 characters (letters only) to use in the license of the generated component.

Get license

License serial number (SN)

Enter the serial number (SN) of the end customer's production license.


Enter the Email address where the license will be sent.

When the values for the License serial number (SN) and Email properties are filled, the button gets enabled. Click that button to request for the license.


When the button is clicked, this field gets auto filled with the URL pointing to the website from where the license is generated.

Step tab: Click the Include Step toogle button on the General Details tab, if you want to define the connector as a step.

UI Type

Determines the user interface type. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Static (default):

  • Dynamic

UI implementing class

The .NET class name. This is required if the UI type property (above) is set to Dynamic.

Click the button to open a utility that creates a preconfigured project template. This project is the starting point for the development of the UI part of your connector.


When selected, this indicates that this connector will use a resource.When this is not selected, the resource configuration is not deleted since it only indicates that no resource is available for this connector in the Studio.

Click the button to open the Resource tab.

Configuration dialog requires a resource

If you select this check box, you cannot enter the component's configuration details when there is no resource configured. This is unchecked by default. This check box is disabled and unchecked when the UI type property (above) is set to Static.

Runtime technology

Select one of the following technologies from the drop-down list:

  • Java

  • .NET (default)

  • Magic xpa (Since version: 4.7)

This is disabled when the UI type property (above) is set to Static.

Runtime implementing class

The name of the Java, .NET class or Magic xpa .ecf file. This is disabled when the UI type property (above) is set to Static.

Click the Generate Runtime Project button to open a utility that creates a preconfigured project template. This project is the starting point for the development of the runtime part of your connector.

Runtime requires a resource

Determines whether a resource is mandatory when using the component during runtime. This property is selected by default, and is disabled and unchecked when the UI type property (above) is set to Static.

Methods (DAM) interface

When the UI type property is set to Static, the default is checked and read-only.

Click the button to open the DAM Methods tab.

Mirror methods to static XML interface

(Only available for Static UI)

This parameter is only available if the UI type property (above) is set to Static and the Methods (DAM) interface property (above) is checked.

When selected, the connector will have an XML interface for the methods.

Trigger tab: Click the Include Trigger toogle button on the General Details tab, if you want to define the connector as a trigger.

UI Type

Determines the user interface type. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Static (default)

  • Dynamic

UI implementing class

The .NET class name. This is required if the UI type property (above) is set to Dynamic, but is disabled if the UI type property is set to Static.

Click the button to open a utility that creates a preconfigured project template. This project is the starting point for the development of the UI part of your connector.


When selected, this indicates that this connector will use a service. When this check box is not selected, the service configuration is not deleted since the check box only indicates that no service is available for this connector in the Studio.

Click the button to open the New Service Type dialog box.

The trigger can also be made compatible with Local Agent. While configuring the trigger the following conditions should be satisfied for the trigger to work as part of Local Agent.

  • A Service is defined and linked to the resource configured on the Step tab.

  • The value of the Trigger Invocation Type is set to External.

  • The value of the Runtime Technology is set to Java. The other runtime technologies are not supported.

  • The Runtime Implementation Class path is provided.

(Since version: 4.12)

Service implementing class

The .NET class name that implements the service interface for the Validate button and any other action buttons that you create.

This is only available if the Service check box is selected.

Configuration dialog requires a service

If you select this check box, you cannot enter the component's configuration details when there is no service configured. This is unchecked by default.

Trigger invocation type

Determines the trigger invocation type for the component. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Polling (default)

  • External

  • Endpoint (Since version: 4.6)

If you select Endpoint when the UI type property (above) is set to Static, the generated trigger UI in the Magic xpi Studio will contain a mandatory Endpoint field.

The Endpoint trigger represents a trigger that is not running under the Magic xpi engines. The Endpoint trigger is unique across all the projects (it is unique in a single space). An example of such a trigger is an HTTP trigger running under the IIS/Apache

The Endpoint name for the SDK trigger in the studio is case-sensitive. Defining two triggers with the same name but different case types in different flows will be considered as two separate endpoints.

The Standalone file located in the <Magic xpi installation>/Runtime/Support folder, holds all the files required for invoking Magic xpi from an external application.

Since version: 4.6

Polling and Endpoint Trigger invocation types are not supported in Magic xpi 4.12

Flow Invocation Behavior

Determines the component's flow invocation behavior. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Sync-Wait: The flow invocation is synchronous. If the flow is within its defined Max Instances value, the message will wait.

  • Sync-No Wait (default): The flow invocation is synchronous. However, if the flow is within its defined Max Instances value, the message will not wait and an error will be returned immediately.

  • Async: The flow invocation is asynchronous. The invoke method will return once the message is in the IMM and will not wait for the flow to return a result.

Asynchronous invocation is suitable for triggers with no return value, such as messaging triggers with callback methods.

Synchronous invocation is suitable for triggers with a return value, such as TCP triggers.

Runtime technology

Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Java

  • .NET (default)

  • Magic xpa (Since version: 4.7)

  • Only triggers with the value of Runtime Technology set to Java, are supported for Local Agent. The other runtime technologies are not supported.

  • .NET and Magic xpa Runtime technology is not supported in Magic xpi 4.12.

This parameter is disabled when:

  • The Trigger invocation type is set to Endpoint. (Since version: 4.6)

Runtime implementing class

The name of the Java class, .NET class, or Magic xpa .ecf file.

Click the Generate Runtime Project button to open a utility that creates a preconfigured project template. This project is the starting point for the development of the runtime part of your connector.

This parameter is disabled when the Trigger invocation type is set to Endpoint. (Since version: 4.6)

Runtime requires a service

Determines whether a service is mandatory when using the component during runtime. This is enabled and by default checked when the Service (above) property is selected.

Argument Configuration: This section is enabled only when the UI type property (above) is set to Static. You add and delete arguments using the New, Delete, and Delete All buttons.


The name of argument sent to the component by an external call to Magic xpi. A valid name cannot start with special characters.


The data type of the argument. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Alpha

  • Numeric

  • Logical

  • Date

  • Time

  • BLOB


A string of characters that tells Magic xpi how to define the format of the argument.

For example, a 15-character alphanumeric parameter has a picture definition of 15. A picture that defines a date is DD/MM/YYYY.


Determines whether the argument's direction is an input or an output parameter. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • In

  • Return

  • A trigger can have several In parameters but only one Return parameter.

  • Polling trigger can have only In parameter.

  • External trigger can have In as well as Return parameter.


The tooltip that will appear when the cursor hovers over the argument.

Click the button and enter the required tooltip in the Tooltip Description box.

Value Type

The way the argument's value type will be displayed. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Expression

  • Variable

Resource tab: Click the Include Resource toogle button on the General Details tab, if you want to modify the user defined resource type. Click here, to have more information on how to add a new resource.

Errors tab: Opens the Error Details dialog box. Here, you can define a set of errors for the new component. You can give any error code for the component. The new errors will be added to the Global Error repository and to the component XML file.

(Since version: 4.5)

(Since version: 4.12) New Interface
