
Configuring the Broker Settings File (Mgrb.ini) (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Configuring the Broker Settings File (Mgrb.ini) (Magic xpa 4.x)

You should configure the broker settings file, Mgrb.ini, to automatically load one (or more) engine. You do this in the [APPLICATIONS_LIST] section using the following syntax:

APPNAME=<command>,[<work dir>],[<OS username>], [<OS password>],[<number of times to perform upon broker initialization>],[<maximum number of engines supporting the application to launch on demand>]

If [<number of times to perform upon broker initialization>] is set to 1, then it will load one instance of the declared application.

For example:

Rich Internet Samples = MgxpaRuntime.exe,,,,1,0

You can specify command line parameters, such as StartApplication, instead of defining these settings in the Magic.ini file.

For example:

Rich Internet Samples = MgxpaRuntime.exe /DeploymentMode=B /LicenseName=MGRIA /StartApplication = SampleProjects\Rich Internet Samples\Rich Internet Samples.ecf,,,,1,0

Note: This step is recommended, but optional. You can alternately skip this step and manually load the Runtime engines.
