Compound Storage Functions (Magic xpa 4.x)
BlobSize – Returns the BLOB size in bytes.
BufGetAlpha – Converts a value stored in a certain position in a buffer to an Alpha string.
BufGetBit – Returns the value of a bit for a specified byte position in a BLOB buffer.
BufGetBlob – Converts a value stored in a specified position in a buffer to a Magic xpa BLOB.
BufGetDate – Converts a value stored in a specified position in a buffer to a Magic xpa Date value.
BufGetLog – Converts a value stored in a specified position in a buffer to a Magic xpa logical value.
BufGetNum – Converts a value stored in a specified position in a buffer to a Magic xpa Numeric value.
BufGetTime – Converts a value stored in a specified position in a buffer to a Magic xpa time value.
BufGetUnicode – Converts a value stored in a specified position in a buffer to a Unicode string.
BufGetVariant – Retrieves a variant value stored in a specified position in a buffer.
BufGetVector – Converts a value stored in a specified position in a buffer to a Magic xpa vector value.
BufSetAlpha – Converts an Alpha or RTF string variable to one of the supported storage types.
BufSetBit – Sets the value of a bit in a byte stored in the BLOB buffer.
BufSetBlob – Converts a BLOB variable into one of the supported storage types at a specified position in the buffer.
BufSetDate – Converts a Magic xpa date to a binary value in a specified position and storage type in the buffer.
BufSetLog – Converts a logical value into one of the supported storage types at a specified position in the buffer.
BufSetNum – Converts a Magic xpa number into one of the supported storage types at a specified position in the BLOB buffer.
BufSetTime – Converts a Magic xpa Time value into one of the supported storage types at a specified position in the buffer.
BufSetUnicode – Inserts a Unicode variable into a specified position in the BLOB buffer.
BufSetVariant – Inserts a variant value into a specified position in a buffer.
BufSetVector – Converts a Magic xpa Vector value into one of the supported storages at a specified position in the buffer
SetBufCnvParam – Sets parameters that determine the writing and reading conversion values to and from the buffer.
VariantAttr – Retrieves the Magic xpa attribute corresponding to the variant data type.
VariantCreate – Creates a variant according to the specified value of a Magic xpa data attribute.
VariantGet – Retrieves the value of a specified variant data type.
VariantGetVector – Retrieves the vector value of a variant data type.
VariantType – Retrieves the variant data type’s storage type identifier.
VecCellAttr – Returns the vector's cell attribute.
VecGet – Returns the value of a specified cell.
VecSet – Updates the value of a selected cell with a given vector.
VecSize – Returns the number of cells for the given vector.