Command Toolbar (Magic xpa 4.x)
The Command toolbar includes tools for aligning, resizing, and for arranging the Z-Order of controls.
If you do not see the toolbar, right click on the toolbar area and select the Layout option.
You can also access the majority of this functionality from the Format menu.
The following is a list of the icons that appear in the Command toolbar:

Align to Grid – This option is enabled when the Show Grid property is set to True.

Align Lefts - Aligns the form controls to the Left. (Ctrl+Shift+L)

Align Centers - Aligns the form controls at the Center. (Ctrl+Shift+H)

Align Rights - Aligns the form controls to the Right. (Ctrl+Shift+R) Since version: 3.3

Align Tops - Aligns the form controls to the Top. (Ctrl+Shift+T)

Align Middles - Aligns the form controls at the Middle. (Ctrl+Shift+V)

Align Bottoms - Aligns the form controls to the Bottom. (Ctrl+Shift+B)

Make Same Width

Make Same Height

Make Same Size

Size to Grid

Fit Control Size

Make Horizontal Spacing Equal

Increase Horizontal Spacing

Decrease Horizontal Spacing

Remove Horizontal Spacing

Make Vertical Spacing Equal

Increase Vertical Spacing

Decrease Vertical Spacing

Remove Vertical Spacing

Center Horizontally

Center Vertically

Bring to Front – This option is enabled when the Automatic Z-order property is set to False.

Send to Back – This option is enabled when the Automatic Z-order property is set to False.

Move Forward – This option is enabled when the Automatic Z-order property is set to False.

Move Backward – This option is enabled when the Automatic Z-order property is set to False.

Tab Order – Displays the tab order. This option can also be accessed from the View menu.

Z Order – Displays the Z-Order of the controls on the form. The Z-Order is the order in which the controls are painted on the screen. This option can also be accessed from the View menu.

Indicate Parent – Shows which control the current control is attached to (its parent). This option can also be accessed from the View menu.

Link to Parent – Establishes a parent-child link between controls.

Unlink – Breaks the parent-child link between controls.
Since version: 3.0