Command Line Conversion (Magic xpa 3.x)
Magic xpa does not support the eDeveloper V9 export file structure, however it does provide a command line conversion utility called v9converter.exe that converts eDeveloper V9.4sp7 export files to a valid uniPaaS application. Then you need to open this application using Magic xpa in order to complete the process and convert the application to a Magic xpa application.
The v9converter.exe file is located in the installation directory.
When the export file is executed with no parameters or when you enter /?,the Conversion utility help text will appear on the screen.
When you run the utility, the conversion results are displayed on the screen.
If the conversion process fails, you should verify that the command line syntax is valid and that the application is in a valid version 9 export file format. The utility will create the .edp file in the specified project directory and the project source files in the Source subdirectory.
The conversion log file will be created according to the -LOG parameter. If this parameter is not set, the log file will be created by its default name.
The Magic xpa Single User Edition does not support the command line conversion utility.
Conversion Utility Syntax
Troubleshooting - Conversion Utility