ClientFileSaveDlg ('Save file', 'c:\temp\', 'All files (*.*)|*.*', '', 'FALSE'LOG)
Opens a File Save dialog box with default of C:\temp and the filter will show all files.
ClientFileSaveDlg ('Save file', 'c:\temp\', 'Image Files (*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF) | *.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF|All files (*.*)|*.*', '', 'FALSE'LOG)
Opens a File Save dialog box with default of C:\temp and different filters.
ClientFileSaveDlg ('Save file', 'c:\temp\', 'All files (*.*)|*.*', 'txt', 'TRUE'LOG)
Opens a File Save dialog box with default of C:\temp and the filter will show all files. If no extension is written, 'TXT' will be returned as the extension. The file dialog box will prompt if the file already exists.
ClientFileSaveDlg ('Save file', 'c:\temp\abc.txt', 'All files (*.*)|*.*', '', 'FALSE'LOG)
Opens a File Save dialog box with default file name of abc.txt and default path of C:\temp, and the filter will show all files.