Checks whether a specified file exists on a drive, and returns a Boolean (True, False).
ClientFileExist(file name)
file name – An alpha string that represents the file name. The string may contain a path. If the path is not indicated, Magic xpa assumes the current directory.
Boolean – True or False
ClientFileExist('c:\magic\magic.ini') returns True if the Magic.ini file exists in the C:\MAGIC directory.
This is a client-side function that is only available for Rich Client tasks. To use the server-side version of this function in Rich Client tasks, see FileExist.
Platform specific:
On iOS devices, only access to the temp folder is allowed. You can either use a relative path or use ClientOSEnvGet('temp') to get the folder.
On Android devices, the file system is case sensitive. The names of Magic xpa related files, such as images and local databases are automatically saved in lower case (even if the file is defined with upper case letters). This function will not convert the file name to lower case. Therefore, if you need to refer to the destination file from Magic xpa, you should use a lower case name in the function.
See also:
ClientFileCopy, ClientFileDelete, ClientFileRename, ClientFileSize
The Rich Client Samples project (program REL17b)