Client Crashes (Magic xpa 2.x)

Sometimes it happens that a client crashes and, as such, the last sequence of operations may be lost. We need to understand which operations were executed before the crash. These operations have not yet been flushed to the server and so are not visible in the Activity Monitor.
Set the LogClientSequenceForActivityMonitor flag in the HTML file to Yes. The HTML file is created when you use the Rich Client Deployment Builder. If the flag is set to Yes, client activities will be written to a local log file on the client. This log file will include all the information that was not yet sent to the server. The log file will be deleted after each event execution or when the application is terminated.
Launch the application again. Magic xpa will scan for existing log files. If there are any log files from the last crash, they will be sent to the server (and appear in the Activity Monitor).
When a crash occurs, exit all other parallel processes (so that their log files will be deleted normally).
Restart the application and the log file with the last client sequence will be sent to the server (and appear in the Activity Monitor).
The Activity Monitor will be updated with the client log, and now you can see the location of the problem.
Note: The Activity Monitor's lines are pink for the server and white for the client.