Check Definition (Magic xpa 4.x)
For ISAM tables, you can allow Magic xpa to automatically test that the data is synchronized using the Check Definition property.
Magic xpa maintains its own Data repository, while providing access to data stored in various DBMSs that maintain their own data dictionaries (all of the DBMSs manage their own data dictionaries). The data structure may be modified both by Magic xpa (such modification is reflected automatically in the DBMS's Data Dictionary), and by external DBMS utilities (unknown to Magic xpa). As a result, the Magic xpa Data repository might not reflect the current structure of the data that Magic xpa programs process. This may lead to abnormal behavior in Magic xpa programs.
Not selecting the Check Definition setting instructs Magic xpa to disable table structure checking when a table is opened.
Selecting the Check Definition setting instructs Magic xpa to check the data structure of the physical file against Magic xpa's Data repository definitions every time a data file is opened. If the physical file structure and the Magic xpa Data repository definition do not match, an error message will be displayed by Magic xpa and processing will be aborted. Also, an error event will be raised, which you can trap to log and give a meaningful message to the user.

The Check Definition property has no effect on DBMSs.
How Do I Account for Incompatibilities in Table Structure Between Magic xpa and the Database?