The following How-to topics deal with COM in Magic xpa:
How Do I Define the COM Object that I Want to Use?
How Do I Enable Event Handling for a COM Object While in a Descendant Task?
How Do I Call a COM Object Method?
How Do I Set or Get a Property of a COM Object?
How Do I Change a Reference to a Certain COM Object?
How Do I Set a Value of an Enumerated Type Parameter of a COM Object?
How Do I Extract/Set Data From/To a Variant Type of a COM Object?
How Do I Determine the Type and Corresponding Magic xpa Attribute of a Variant Value Belonging to a COM Object?
How Do I Send and Retrieve Array Values from COM Objects?
How Do I Handle a Collection in a COM Object?
How Do I Pass/Receive a COM Object as a Parameter To/From a COM Object?
How Do I Reuse COM Object Definitions?
How Do I Keep an Instance of a COM Object Available Across Programs?
How Do I Handle an Error Triggered by a COM Object?