Business Process Images (Magic xpi 4.1)
The selection of business process images has been created to cover a large number of business process scenarios in an organization. These images are contained in the Business Process Images pane that is located under the Navigation pane.
When you drag an image to the main area of the Business Process view, the Activity Properties dialog box opens. This dialog box contains the following fields:
Element Type
The choices are Resource or Activity.
An internal identifier number generated automatically.
A name to describe your business process element. This field is mandatory. By default, Magic xpi automatically sets this property using the name of the image. You can rename the image.
Name Location
Click to open the Name Location dialog box. Here, you can select where to place the descriptive text for the Demarcation Area. Alternatively, select a location from the drop-down list.
Enter a description of the business process element.
Click to open the Applications List dialog box. Here, you can select an application from the list of applications available in the project. This indicates that the business process element is handled by the application you select.
Enter a free-text description of the interface you use for the activity or element, such as a fax machine.
WSDL File (In)
Click to search for a Web service that describes how information is sent to the particular element.
WSDL File (Out)
Click to search for a Web service that describes how the element sends information to the connected element.
User Message
You can enter a message so that when the business process activity occurs during deployment, this message is sent to the Magic xpi Monitor.
Click to select a file, then click to open the file. You can then copy and paste the contents of the file into the Business Process area.
The Flow button becomes active if you define the element as an Activity. Click to open the Flow List, where you can select a Flow to associate with the business process element.
Important: When deleting a Business Process element, all connecting lines to the element are also deleted.
You can delete a Business Process element by selecting the element, right-clicking and selecting Delete from the menu.
You can move a Business Process element by selecting the element and dragging it to the new location.
You can select an Activity-type Business Process element, right-click and see the flows connected to the element.