Broker Configuration (Magic xpi 3.x)
The Magic xpi Broker is responsible for managing the various internal Magic xpi tasks, such as handling threads from Magic xpi Servers as well as receiving and processing requests from external resources, such as HTTP and Web services. This screen lets you specify how you wish to install the Magic xpi Broker.
If you choose Install Magic xpi Broker as an executable, control over the broker will be via the broker icon, which will be shown in the status bar of the operating system. When this option is selected, the broker loads when the Magic xpi Studio loads.
If you choose Install Magic xpi Broker as a service, control over the broker will be via the broker service in the operating system’s Services table. In this case, a name should be provided for the service. When this option is selected, the broker loads when the operating system loads.
When you have completed this screen, click Next to proceed to the Setup Information screen.