Breakpoint Repository (Magic xpa 4.x)
Breakpoints are a helpful tool for debugging. They let you halt execution of the program at a specific location in the Studio screen.
When you select Breakpoints from the View menu, the Breakpoint repository appears.
When a breakpoint is added in the Logic Editor, the default Condition is Always.

Definitions are saved in a project file.
If the runtime stops on a breakpoint, and then the user requests Step Out, the Step Out operation may take a while. During this time, a different context may hit a different breakpoint. When this happens, the Debugger will move to the other context's breakpoint and forget the Step Out operation.
When you are stopped at a breakpoint, task execution stops. It will look as if the task you are executing just froze. However, if you go to the source, you will see a yellow arrow next to a line in Magic xpa, something like this:
. This is the "line of code" that is executing in Magic xpa; either in a logic unit or the data view.
Breakpoint Repository Columns
Breakpoint Persistency
Deleting Breakpoints
Data Change Breakpoint
Adding a Data Change Breakpoint
Debugging Components
Breakpoints – Running Contexts
How Do I Set Breakpoints in the Application?