Breakpoint Repository Columns (Magic xpa 2.x)
The Breakpoint repository includes the following read-only columns:
An automatically generated sequential number used by Magic xpa as an identifier.
Defines whether this breakpoint is currently enabled. If the Enable check box is not selected, the breakpoint will be disabled and processing will not stop at this point. The enabling or disabling of a breakpoint is persistent between debugger sessions.
Displays the name of the program in the format of <Program>.<Task> with up to 120 characters.
Displays the logic unit within the task in which the breakpoint is set. The format will be: Name</Ctrl> with up to 50 characters.
Displays the line number of the operation on which the breakpoint is set in the task.
Within the Debugger, you can define a conditional breakpoint. If the Enable check box is not selected, these conditions will not be evaluated. The condition is evaluated each time the breakpoint is reached (if it is enabled). If the condition evaluates to False, the breakpoint will behave as if it is disabled. The valid options are:
Always: This breakpoint will always break execution. The Always option is the default.
Count: When the number of iterations specified in the break count is reached, the breakpoint will be enabled. It will break from this point onwards. If you type 0 (zero), the execution will not break.
Condition: Execution will break only when the condition evaluates to True. This option is only enabled if the task in which the condition is defined is in focus. You can use variables from the current task tree.
Data Change: You can define a breakpoint so that when the value of a variable is changed, processing stops.
If you set a condition, then the selected condition is displayed.
If you set a Count condition, then the count value is displayed, with up to 30 characters.
If you set a Data Change condition, then the variable name is displayed.
The following tool buttons are available:
Deleting a single breakpoint
Deleting all breakpoints
Enabling all breakpoints
Disabling all breakpoints
The following context menus options are available: