Argument Repository (Magic xpa 2.x)
The Argument repository, accessed by zooming from the Arg column, displays the passed arguments on the left-hand side, and the Variable list on the right-hand side. You access the list of variables by zooming from the Var column in the Argument repository.
The following columns appear in the Argument repository.
The sequential repository entry number automatically assigned by Magic xpa. The insertion point skips this column.
The Var (for Variable) column is used to identify a variable or expression to be passed to the subroutine, with the option to receive back data from the subroutine. This method of passing an argument is known as by-reference. The other method, by-value, is explained below, under Exp.
Zoom to the Variable list to select a variable, or type the letter code of the variable and go to the next variable. The letter code is displayed in this column and the variable name appears in the Name column.
If you want to pass a constant value as an argument, skip the Var column and move to Exp.
The Var column is skipped if an expression is already defined.
The Exp column is used to pass to the subroutine a constant value by means of an expression. This is the by-value method of passing an argument to a subroutine. Note that you cannot receive data back from the subroutine in this property. The Expression number appears in this column and the Description column shows the first section of the expanded expression text. You can zoom to the Expression Editor to select an existing expression or to define the expression you want to pass. The expression may evaluate to any valid Magic xpa data type.
The Exp column is skipped if a variable is already defined as an argument. Remove the variable identifier if you want to use an expression as an argument instead.
This column displays the description of the passed argument or expression.
This column lets you skip an entry by checking the Skip column. If an entry is checked, no value is passed to the receiving variable.
Argument Passing