Arguments - Invoke
Invoke Web Service
The Invoke Method Arguments dialog box for Web Services displays a list of arguments based on the SOAP operation selected in the Invoke Web Service operation. There is an entry for each argument, which is based on the operation definition in the WSDL.
The dialog box contains the following fields:
The argument name.
Variable assigned to the argument. It is required to set either the Var or Exp.
Expression assigned to the argument.
Expected attribute
A Magic xpa data type that matches the External type field.
External type
A data type based on the definition of the argument in the WSDL. For complex types (non-primitive data types) the external type value is the location of the XML schema that defines the complex type. (The schema is automatically generated when defining the SOAP Service in the Services repository.) The variable/expression passed should match the schema using the argument name as the root element name.

A Magic xpa array cannot be automatically converted into a complex type of an Invoke Web Service, nor can it be returned as a complex type when Magic xpa serves as a Web service provider.
The argument direction: “In”, “Out”, “In,Out”. Expressions should be assigned only for arguments with the direction set to “In”.
Invoke Web S Lite
For information about the Argument property in the Invoke Web S Lite operation, see Arguments - Invoke Web S Lite.
Invoke COM
The Invoke Method Arguments dialog box for COM displays a list of arguments for the method.
The dialog box contains the following fields:
The argument name.
Variable assigned to the argument. It is required to set either the Var or Exp.
Expression assigned to the argument.
Internal type
A Magic xpa data type that matches the External type field.
External type
A data type based on the definition of the argument in the COM object.
The argument direction: “In”, “Out”, “In,Out”. Expressions should be assigned only for arguments with the direction set to “In”.
Determines whether the argument is optional.
Determines whether to create a variable to be used for this property.
Create Variables button
Creates variables and assigns them for all the arguments whose "Create" option is checked.
Value button
Shows the enumeration list of values allowed for this argument.
COM Help button
Opens the COM object's internal help.

Either a variable or expression should be assigned to each argument.
Attachments declared in the WSDL are represented by arguments with “Expected attribute” set to “BLOB”.
All fields are non-modifiable except the Var and Exp fields.
Invoke .NET
For information regarding the Invoke .NET Argument property, see Argument Repository - .NET.