
Application Events (Magic xpa 3.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Application Events (Magic xpa 3.x)

Event Name


Default Keyboard Mapping

Samples Projects

Mobile Support

Close Application

Closes the current running application and the Magic xpa engine. This event only takes effect in runtime for Online applications and is similar to the Exit System event.

It is recommended not to use the Close Application event in menus. Use the Exit System event instead.

Note: This internal event is not supported in Rich Client tasks.



Saves the data and exits the current task.

Platform specific: For Android devices, this refers to the back key.


EN17, REN17

Android, iOS

Exit System

In Online: Closes the current running application and the Magic xpa engine.

In Rich Client: Closes the current running application on the client side and instructs the server to close all of the contexts.

This event only takes effect in runtime.


EN17, EN18, REN17, REN18

Android, iOS

External Event

Raised from external 3rd party software. Enables easier integration between Magic xpa and external programs running on the same computer, by enabling Magic xpa to receive and process events and data from external programs. See External Event.


Android, iOS

Open Application

Closes the current application and opens another one. This event allows you to switch between Magic xpa applications at runtime without the need to re-login.

It is recommended not to use the Open Application event in menus.

This event has a parameter, ecf filename. Using this parameter enables you to switch between applications at runtime without the need for user intervention in selecting the required application. Since version: 1.5

This event cannot be run without specifying a valid application. Since version: 2.0

Note: This internal event is not supported in Rich Client tasks.



Open Form Designer

Opens the Runtime Form Designer.

This event has an optional parameter, Admin mode, to define whether the end user can delete controls or see hidden controls. In this parameter you can set either True or False. If a value is not set, the behavior will be as True.

Since version: 3.1

Printer Setup

Opens the Windows print setup dialog box.

Server Termination

Raised when the server is instructed by the broker to terminate and the ShutdownTimeout keyword of the broker (mgrb.ini) has a positive value. This lets the executing programs execute termination logic. See also RqTrmTimeout and RqRtTrmEx.

Shell to OS

Exits temporarily to the operating system. Magic xpa does not wait for the spawned process to terminate.

Note: This internal event is not supported in Rich Client tasks.

