
Appearance - Frames Form Properties (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Appearance - Frames Form Properties (Magic xpa 4.x)

This is the list of Appearance properties for Frames forms.


The font of the form taken from the Application Font repository.

Help screen

Specifies whether a Help screen is associated with this control. You can zoom to select a Help screen from the Help list.

For Rich Client forms, only help screens of Type=URL are supported.

The URL can point to a server file and not to a Web location. (Since version: Rich Client support: 1.9)

Border style

The style of the form's border. The options for this property are Thick, Thin, or No Border.

See also How Do I Prevent the User from Resizing a Window?

Allow Scaling

Specifies whether the end user can scale within the form.

Changing the default value from False to True enables scaling of the Frames form.

This property is available in Online applications (Since version: 4.6.1) and RIA (Since version: 4.7).
