
Android Settings Screen (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Android Settings Screen (Magic xpa 4.x)

This screen appears if you selected the Android deployment option.

From this screen, you can specify the Android settings.



SDK Folder

The folder where the Android SDK is installed. For example: C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk.

The path that appears by default may be different than the path where you installed Android SDK. You can see the SDK path in the Android SDK Manager application.


The folder that contains the version of the platform that you want to use to compile the Android application.

The value is only the folder name, without the path.

Package Name

The identifier of the package. The package name must be in lower case and unique across all packages installed on the Android system. If you use upper case letters, the build script will convert them to lower case. The package name cannot include numbers and some reserved words such as ‘new’.

Resource folder (Images)

The folder where you want to store the resources.

The file names in the folder should be similar to the files in the default folder.

By default, the property refers to [Magic xpa installation]\RIAModules\Android\Source\res.

If you want to customize your application with your own icons and splash screen, you need to change all of the images in the res\drawable-XXX folders.

You need to provide icon files in all of the following sizes: 36x36, 48x48 and 72x72 pixels and logo files in different sizes corresponding to the device’s size.

See also: Customizing Your Application

Key store

The properties of the keystore.

Key store password

Key alias

Key alias password

Since version: 2.3
