
Allow DSQL in a Deferred Transaction (Magic xpa 2.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Allow DSQL in a Deferred Transaction (Magic xpa 2.x)

Magic xpa lets you define a Direct SQL statement for all types of task modes: browser, online, and batch.

When generating a task from the SQL Command dialog box, you can select the browser client from the APG Option combo box, which creates a browser-based task with data retrieved from a Direct SQL Statement.

In a browser-based task, you can specify only Select statements and call stored procedures that return data. DML statements are not allowed, such as Update, Insert, and Delete operations.

If the DSQL rows are linked with other tables, the linked data for the non-DSQL rows are stored in the transaction (trans) cache, which behaves as a normal link in a deferred transaction task.

A DSQL task assigned as a browser client subform will be blocked. The timing of the SQL Command execution prevents Magic xpa from refreshing the subform.
