Advanced Monitoring Console (Magic xpi 4.1)
The Advanced Monitoring Console gives you additional runtime information about your Magic xpi projects. It is accessed by selecting Advanced Monitoring Console from the Magic xpi Monitor's View menu or the context menu. You can have several Advanced Monitoring Console views open at the same time, each one monitoring a different project.
The Advanced Monitoring Console consists of the Navigation, Summary, and Details panes. The Navigation pane displays the hierarchical structure of the triggers, servers, and flows in a project. The information displayed in the Summary and Details panes depends on which hierarchical level you stand on in the Navigation pane.
The Summary pane provides read-only information about the selected project, trigger, server, or flow, as well as licensing information.
The Details pane provides in-depth runtime information about a specific project, trigger, server, or flow, and in some cases licensing information. The following topics describe this information:
The data in the Advanced Monitoring Console is not refreshed automatically. For this purpose, a Refresh button is available on the lower left side.