Activity Monitor (Magic xpa 4.x)
The Activity Monitor lets the user log and display the command flow (such as tasks, levels, and operation flow) that occurs when executing a program.
To access the Activity Monitor, select Activity Monitor from the View menu.
The Activity Monitor receives activity messages from the Magic xpa engine.
The Logging function enables you to dynamically start and stop the filter options.
The Activity Monitor includes the following columns:
The context ID of the activity. The main context ID is -1.
The time that the activity was executed. The Time difference between this activity and the previous one is written in parentheses.
The letter 'C' will appear for activities executed on the client side. This is relevant for Rich Client tasks only.
Log Level
Indicates whether the activity content is Action, Error, Info, or Warnings.
Execution Path
When relevant, the path of the logic, such as what program it began in.
The description of the activity. You can double click on the description to view the entire text.
The context menu and the tool bar of the Activity Monitor have the following options:
Saves the log as an XML file (Since version: 1.9). This is useful if you want to document what is going on in the log or parse it using external utilities.
Clears the log. When the log gets too big, or when you reach the part of the program you really want to track, select Clear to empty out the log entirely.
Copy Lines
Copies the selected lines to the clipboard. Since version: 1.9
Finds a text string in the description of the activities.
Find Next
Finds the next occurrence of the searched text string in the description of the activities.
Match Start/End
When you park on the beginning of a block of messages and you then click the Match Start/End option, the cursor jumps to the end of the block of messages, while marking all the activities in between them and vice versa. This option only works when the Begin/End Messages option in the Logging repository is set to Yes, before you start debugging.
Start output
Restarts the activity logging.
Stop output
Stops the activity logging.
Shows the sessions' statistics.

Data to the Activity Monitor is written, irrespective of whether the Studio is in Debug mode. If the monitor is open, logging information will always be sent.
For Browser and Rich Client tasks, the Activity Monitor's lines are pink for the server and white for the client.
Alternating background colors are used to distinguish between contexts.
By default, errors and warnings appear in red. You can change this by using the Activity Log Error/Warning(FG) color in the Studio Color repository. Since version: 1.9
Activity Monitor Log
Activity Monitor Properties
Debugging the Client Side
Append to Error Log
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