Accessing the Capabilities of Mobile Devices (Magic xpa 2.x)
You can use the device capabilities such as calling a phone number, sending an SMS, and opening a browser, by using the Invoke OS command with the URL of the required command. For example:
Refer also to:
Note: When sending mail, there are some characters that are not allowed in the subject and body. On iOS for example, the ampersand (&) character should be replaced with %26 and on Android the following characters should be removed: #,%,&, :, and =.
You can also use the convention described above to call 3rd party applications, which can be accessed via the URL format. For example, you can use:
'waze://?q=New York' to open the Waze GPS application and navigate to New York.
'geo:59.915494,30.409456' to open a navigation app, such as Google Maps or Waze, on the 59.915494 latitude and 30.409456 longitude.
Printing a PDF (iOS only)
Printing a PDF can be done via the Invoke OS command with the command of Print:filename where filename is either:
The printing will be done using the iOS Air Print protocol.
Since version: 2.3
Viewing a PDF
On iOS devices:
You can view a PDF using Magic xpa's internal Browser control.
Note that the PDF should be located on the server and not locally on the device.
On Android devices:
Most of the Android browsers do not display PDFs. Therefore, you cannot use Magic xpa's internal Browser control to view a PDF.
However, you can view a PDF using a third-party PDF viewer application. You do this by using the Invoke OS command with the command of pdf:filename where filename is a path to a local file that is stored on a public folder on the device, such as the /SDCARD folder.
For example, the following commands will copy the ReleaseNotes.pdf file from the C:\Magic\ folder on the server to the /SDCAD folder on the client and will open a PDF viewer to show this file:
Evaluate ClientFileCopy(ServerFileToClient('C:\Magic\ReleaseNotes.pdf'),'/sdcard/tmpfile.pdf')
Invoke OS 'pdf:/sdcard/tmpfile.pdf' (where the Execute On property is set to Client)
Since version: 2.4