Access – I/O Devices (Magic xpa 4.x)
The available options in the I/O Device repository's Access combo box are:
Tells Magic xpa to open the device in Read mode. You can then use the Form Input operation to read data from it.
When you open an XML document using a Variable I/O media type, you can query the XML elements or attributes without saving the variable to an XML document.
Tells Magic xpa to open the device in Write mode. You can then use the Form Output operation to write data to it.
If the device you want to open is an output device whose name has been defined by an expression, its content will be erased.
Note: Setting an XML document to Write will serialize the XML and save it when the I/O is closed.
Tells Magic xpa to open the device in Append mode. You can then use the Form Output operation to write data to it.
Output forms can send a text variable only if the Access property for the Output form is set to Append.
If the device you want to be opened as output, and whose name is defined by the expression Exp already exists, all new forms written to it will be added to the end of the same device.

It is recommended to set XML documents to Read if you do not intend to change the XML. If you set it to Write, an additional serialization and saving process will take place.