Abort Flow Service (Magic xpi 4.1)
The Abort Flow service lets you abort the flow execution on purpose, as part of the flow logic. You also have the option to restart the flow automatically after it is aborted by the Abort Flow service.
To add the Abort Flow service to a flow:
Find the services icons in the Components pane at the left of the screen. You can display only the services by selecting Services from the drop-down list at the top of the Components pane.
Drag the Abort Flow service to your flow.
In the Abort Flow dialog box, enter the information as described in the table below:
Type a name that describes the service in the flow.
Type a description of the service in your flow (optional).
Processing mode
Select whether the step should be executed linear, parallel, or stand alone. This is only available if the Abort Flow service is not the first step in the flow.
Wait for completion
Select whether the step should be run in Wait for Completion mode. The options are Yes or No.
Wait for completion is only available when the Abort Flow service is a linear step and if it is not the first step in the flow.
Magic xpi Server
Select the Magic xpi Server where the Abort Flow service is executed.
Click to the right of the Magic xpi Server field to open the Server List. Select a server from the list and then click Select.
Determines whether you want to restart the aborted flow. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
Propagation Error
An applicative user error can be generated when the flow is aborted. The behavior is relevant only when another flow called the flow that caused the error.
Enter the (numeric) error code, or click to open the Expression Editor.
If you do not define a user error, or the selected error does not exist, a general error message ("Flow was aborted") is issued.
Click OK to close the Abort Flow dialog box. The Abort Flow service is displayed in the flow.
You can abort a flow if an error occurs, without specifying this policy for every component. To do this, add an Abort Flow service to the end of the error flow. In the calling flow's Flow Errors repository, set the error range to encompass all the General component error codes whose failure will trigger the error. This causes the flow to abort when there is an error in the flow.