
API Management (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

API Management (Magic xpi 4.14)

API Management encompasses functions for creating and publishing web APIs, monitoring and analyzing their usage and protecting their misuse by enforcing security policies.

Magic xpi provides support for exposing the HTTP and OData endpoints as APIs to be consumed.

Magic xpi integrates with the Tyk API Management tool.

For more details about Tyk refer

The API Management dialog box in Magic xpi consists of two panes. The left pane is the Trigger endpoints pane, which contains a list of available endpoints. The right pane provides the API details for each endpoint and an option to publish, re-publish or un-publish each endpoint.

Endpoint List

The endpoint section contains a table with the list of available endpoints. The table has the following columns:



Endpoint Name

This is the name of the endpoint added as a part of the endpoint configuration defined for the Service.


This column displays whether the endpoint is published to the API Management server or not.

When the endpoint is published the value will be set to Yes, else it will be set to No.


If the endpoint is published, the API ID will be generated and it will be displayed in this column.

Endpoint Details

The Trigger Details section lets the user to configure details for the selected endpoint. The following details can be set for configuring the endpoint. (The parameters in bold are mandatory)



API Name

The valid and unique API Name to identify the API entry on the API Gateway Server. It is user’s responsibility to keep it unique. The uniqueness will not be validated by the API Gateway server.

Listen Path

The listen path for the API Management server to listen on. This will be the API Gateway endpoint and mapped to this HTTP or OData endpoint. The API Management server will forward the request from this Listen Path to this endpoint.

Target URL

The Target URL to which the API will be redirected.

The Copy Button allows the user to copy the Target URL to the clipboard.


The API URL for the endpoint. This is the URL on which the API is available.

The Copy Button allows the user to copy the API URL to the clipboard.


The authentication mode between the API Management server and the endpoint. The authentication can be of type:

  1. Open (Keyless)

  2. Basic Auth

  3. Auth Token

User Name

The username value required to perform the Basic Authentication with the API Management server.

This field will be visible when the authentication is of Basic Auth type.


The password value required to perform the Basic Authentication with the API Management server.

This field will be visible when the authentication is of Basic Auth type.


The Token is required to perform the Auth Token Authentication with the API Management server.

This field will be visible when the authentication is of Basic Auth or Auth Token type.

The Copy Button allows the user to copy the Token to the clipboard.

The Trigger details page gives you the following buttons:




Click this button to publish the endpoint to the API Management server. When the API is published, the value of the Published column will be set to Yes and the API ID will be retrieved and set for the endpoint.


This button will be visible for published endpoints. This will allow the user to re-publish the modified endpoint and keep it in sync with the API Management server.


Click this button to un-publish the endpoint from the API Management server.

When the API is unpublished, the value of the Published column will be set to No and the API ID will be removed from the endpoint.

It is the user’s responsibility to keep the endpoint in Magic xpi and API Management server in sync. If the endpoint is deleted from Magic xpi, the user will have to delete it from API Management server. If the endpoint is deleted from the API Management server, the generated API ID will be removed from the API ID column of the endpoint details section and the value of the Published column will be set to No.

The API Management page also gives you the following buttons:



Server Settings

Click this button to open the Server Settings dialog box. Here, you can define the Server Settings for the API Management server.

For more information on how to define these Server Settings, click here.


Click this button to exit the API Management settings dialog.

After the OData endpoint is published in the API Management server, any changes in the Machine name and port of OData service will not reflect automatically in the Target URL of API Management server. As a result of it, the API call will fail.

To mitigate this limitation, change the Host Name and Port as per the OData resource configuration in the Target URL of the API Management server. In case of Tyk, the Target URL can be accessed on the published API page of the Tyk dashboard.

These changes will not get reflected in the API Management dialog for the OData resource in the Magic xpi studio.

Since version: 4.12
