-133 ERR ACCESS DENIED (Magic xpa 4.x)
Access is denied to the application. This error can occur when:
A wrong user or password was passed to the enterprise server.
The Magic xpa Requester sends a username and a password that do not exist in the application's user file (usually usr_std.eng). If you want to use the username and password options in the Mgreq.ini file, you must have this user defined in the application and in the application's user file.
After changing the Mgreq.ini file, the Web Server should be restarted.
The user had no rights to execute the application or a program.
In this case you are trying to access the application with a user that does not have access rights to the application, or without any user. You have to access it using 'USERNAME={your defined user}&PASSWORD={your defined password}' before the '&APPNAME=' in the browser's URL line or as hidden variables in the HTML form.
The same will apply if an "Execute Right" is required by the called program.
You are using Magic xpa reserved names as variables in an HTML form.
The terms username and password (lower or upper case and their combinations) are Magic xpa's reserved names, which Magic xpa recognizes for its internal manipulation of data and constants. If these reserved words are used as variables (Text variables or hidden variables) in the HTML form, Magic xpa reads them as username and password and attempts to validate them against the user file. If this validation fails (the user does not exist or it is the wrong password for this user) or if the validation is correct but this user does not have access rights to the application or the program, that results with the code 133.

Credentials passed within requests are ignored when executing the application from the Studio. If you run the application from the Studio, you are required to log in with the appropriate user in the Studio.